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Disability Insurance Litigation

Serious illness or physical injury is not only emotionally and physically devastating but your ability to earn a living will also be impacted, often for an extended period of time. Workplace long-term disability programs and private disability insurance are promoted as reliable resources for income replacement and medical treatment expenses. However, the benefits received are not always the benefits expected.

Martha Cook, a Stratford lawyer for disability insurance and long-term disability claims, is committed to helping clients achieve the level of financial and medical support they are entitled to under their disability insurance plan. Ms. Cook and her colleagues at Martha Cook Professional Corporation work to achieve the best possible outcome for clients.

Ontario Long-Term Disability Lawyer

Injured people can encounter many difficulties when attempting to claim insurance benefits. Insurance companies may initially express support for the injured person, but become more resistant over time to paying out benefits. Our clients may receive unwelcome questions from insurers about the nature of their medical rehabilitation programs and their attempts to return to paid employment.

Martha Cook is an experienced lawyer in courtroom and board and tribunal hearings. This makes our firm a positive choice for individuals who need an advocate when dealing with their insurer, or who seek to appeal the decision of government programs such as Canada Pension Plan Disability. Our team at Martha Cook Professional Corporation will work on your behalf to secure you the resources you need while you focus on your health and the well-being of your family.

Contact Us

If you require legal assistance regarding your LTD insurance claim or employment law issue, get in touch with our office to schedule an appointment. Contact us online or call us at (519) 275-3888.

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Martha Cook Professional Corporation