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Ontario Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

In a moment, your life can change because of a catastrophic injury. The need for rehabilitation may be lifelong; your prognosis for recovery may change as your medical treatment plan unfolds. Ongoing legal advice and guidance are key components to dealing with the burden of a catastrophic injury.

The team at Martha Cook Professional Corporation is dedicated to serving the needs of injury claimants in Stratford and throughout Southwestern Ontario. Ms. Cook takes a one-on-one approach to identifying and meeting clients' individual needs with compassion and practical legal advice.

Stratford Brain And Spinal Cord Injuries Lawyer

Our firm represents clients who suffer from brain and spinal cord injuries, including:

  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI), including concussion and moderate to severe TBI
  • Paralysis, including paraplegia, quadriplegia and nerve damage

In every case, we take the time to understand our client's fundamental needs and provide the injury victim with legal options. We then execute the most effective legal strategy for each individual case.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has suffered a catastrophic injury in Ontario, our lawyer may be able to help. To learn how we can give your family the legal advice you require, contact us online or call us at (519) 275-3888.

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Martha Cook Professional Corporation