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Ontario Defamation

A successful business is built on a trusted brand. The impact of false comments made by a former customer, employee or industry colleague can prove devastating to the health of a company. In small communities where the pool of potential clients may be smaller and company reputation is an important currency, the effects of defamatory comments may be quickly seen and in the age of social media negative opinions may be quickly disseminated.

At our firm, we understand the primary objective of a business owner is to protect his or her enterprise. A lengthy and messy legal fight is not always consistent with that objective. For each of our clients, we take the time to discuss the situation and properly assess what is the most effective legal solution we can provide that will effectively meet our client's needs.

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A strategy to combat defamation must be undertaken quickly in order to be effective. To discuss your legal needs with an employment defamation lawyer in Ontario, contact us online or call us at (519) 275-3888.

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Martha Cook Professional Corporation